Image courtesy of Pixabay/901263
I recently returned from a professional conference on teaching and learning. One session especially excited my nerdy nature.
It was called ‘Grit. Resilience. Performance. Tales from the Trenches.’
Are you wondering what southern grits or the pebbles in the picture have to do with education?
Actually nothing at all. The conversation revolved around a different type of grit, the one defined as the firmness of mind or spirit.
The presenters shared some great examples of articles about the increasing number of college students seeking for mental health treatment and showcased grit as the secret ingredient to success in general and specifically in business.
They asked just how resilience works or how people learn to become resilient. One of the question that made everyone pause was whether our kids gotten too soft and how we can teach them grit.
They questioned whether grit could even be taught and tested in school, and what it would mean to have grit in the classroom.
Much of the popular and scientific articles looking at this topic came out after the ground breaking research and book by Angela Duckworth – Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.
Just like with anything else, the negative press on grit began to emerge with time.
Some journalists inquired about the limits of ‘grit’, wondered if grit was now under attack in education circles, comparing it with self-esteem, and even suggesting not to grade schools on grit
During the conference session, many presenters showed their own research with pharmacy students.
Most didn’t see a clear connection between grit and how well students did in class.
Believe it or not, attendees were even asked to take a survey to establish just how gritty they are. Many scored in the middle. And this was a group of pharmacy professors, people that you’d think are super persistent and passionate about reaching their goals.
In reality I believe grittiness and resilience come slowly through an exposure to trying situations. Trees that bend but don’t break during storms make me think of resilience.
Are you wondering why I am sharing this with you right now? Or maybe, why I was so excited about this discussion?
A lot of my students genuinely struggle. In the past few years, a large number reports being overwhelmed, constantly anxious, depressed and unable to cope.
This was one of the main reasons I started to blog. I wanted to share simple tools and strategies for taking care of yourself. These actions help you to develop greater resilience in your life.
Researchers agreed, resilient people might not have a perfect performance but they have an increased quality of life.
I came back home more inspired to continue on my path of educating students and young professionals of how to take control of their own lives.
Are you familiar with 7 of my favorite ways to happier and healthier life?
Today I wanted to remind you the most important one.
Surround yourself with people who love you and enjoy their wisdom and beauty.
Being gritty in every facet of your life is all about trying, failing, and starting all over.
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